Read the latest news articles relating to developments in the office equipment and services arena

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Adapting your business in the strange world of lockdown – April 2020

The last few weeks have been a strange place for business owners and managers. Everyone is adapting to working from home and social distancing.

During this time, we have not only been able to help our clients continue to operate in a lockdown environment, but also help them plan for the new world when business gets back to a new normality.

Whilst face to face meetings have not been possible, we have adapted using technology and communication tools to keep projects on time.

Consultation projects/subjects have included:

  • Digitalised documentation – archive/ retrieval/ document sharing and collaboration
  • Customer communication – cost effective and efficient marketing to new clients
  • Data compliance – GDPR requirements amongst others
  • Cash flow improvements – including asset refinancing
  • Office space planning – this will be more prevalent once we start returning to the office

If you need help in any of these areas and would like a free of charge consultation please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . What have you got to lose?

Utility costs reductions available

With oil prices at a record low now is the time to review your current utility costs. Compare All can help you access the cheapest tariffs in the marketplace today.

If you are out of contract with your current supplier, we can help you switch within 10 working days without charge.

If you still have a contract term to run, we can still help you get confirmed tariff savings for you when you are free to move. If there are any penalty costs, we could also look into those for you.

This service is free of charge, so why not investigate how much you could save your business?

Contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we can get the ball rolling without the need of a site visit.

Social distancing

When we return to the workplace a lot of businesses will need to adapt their offices to allow for social distancing.

This may be a short-term need, or maybe an opportunity to revamp the workplace for your employees.

We can help in this area by offering space planning, conforming with social distancing needs, that can have short/medium or long-term requirements.

Contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to start the ball rolling. The initial consultation is free of charge, so what have you got to lose?

Additional Royal Mail discounts available

Royal Mail franking machine PricesRoyal Mail have introduced new tariffs for franking machine users that can save up 34% on the cost of stamps. A standard 2nd class stamp costs 65 pence whereas the franking machine tariff using a Mailmark device is only 43 pence.

There are no minimum volumes on the post you must send therefore for businesses sending more than 50 items a week it could be worth investing in a Mailmark franking machine.

At Compare All we have evaluated all of the manufacturers’ offerings and if you would like impartial advice as to which machine would suit your business needs simply email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we will send you the comparison reports.

Useful Colour printing for a fraction of the costs

For those of you who are using copier/printers in your office which are on a service contracts you may be interested in what Kyocera/UTAX have introduced into the marketplace.

At the moment you will be charged a rate for colour printing regardless of the amount of colour on the document. This could be a hyperlink on an email that will cost 10 times as much as a mono print.

Kyocera/UTAX now have a range of machines that allows useful colour documents to be printed at half of the price of a full colour document.

At Compare All we have managed to save our clients £1000’s on colour printing using this 3 tiered billing method. To find out if we can help you simply email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we will do the comparisons for you FREE OF CHARGE.

Don’t just renew, have a review

With many people working from home now is the time to take stock of how your business is running.

Take a deep breath and map out the actual cost of your operation. Look closely at the costs of the contracts you have in place and ask yourself the question, “am I getting value for money?”

If you are sure the answer is yes, then great, your business is in safe hands.

If you are not sure but don’t know where to look then contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

If you think you know where to look but don’t want the hassle, then contact us.

This is what we do as a business. We continually benchmark the marketplace not only for costs but service quality. This is where the true value of your contracts are.

Our initial consultations are free of charge, so what have you got to lose?

Top Tips

  1. Don't just renew, have a review. Never auto renew contracts for your business. Always take time out to explore your options. Time well invested.

  2. Understand the total cost of ownership. Make sure you ask and understand the total cost of running your next purchase.

  3. Where possible always try to allow for upgrade paths. It is more cost effective to add additional modules rather than total upgrades.

  4. Seek advice and then challenge it. When purchasing there are always alternatives, speak to as many independent sources as time allows, giving you the total picture of the choices you have.

Read more: Top Tips

ECO Printing - Xerox

Now launched in the UK, Xerox's ColorCube range uses a solid ink print technology that offers dramatic reduction in waste and carbon footprint.

Not only does this technology help the environment but it could also dramatically reduce the cost of colour printing in your business.

Find out how much you can save in cost and wastage by contacting Compare All at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Read more: ECO Printing - Xerox

VAT changes to Royal Mail

Information on VAT and postal services

The Government recently announced that standard rate VAT will start to apply to some postal services from 31st January 2011.

  • Most Royal Mail customers will be unaffected by this change, since most services will stay exempt from VAT. Like First and Second Class stamped and franked mail and standard parcels. Meaning there’ll be no VAT to pay when you buy stamps.

Summary of the changes are listed below:

Read more: VAT changes to Royal Mail